Temple of Ages


Temple of Ages is a small inactive website that was founded by Derrick in 2000. Derrick continued to update the website until 2002, but the available information suggests that updates stopped before The Wind Waker was released.

The website includes early screenshots for The Wind Waker, simple guides for early Zelda and Super Smash Bros. games, and information about the Zelda cartoon show.

The download sections include a collection of MIDI music files. There is also a movie section where trailers and cut scenes could be downloaded, but only one of these movie files has been preserved.


Basic Information

FounderDerrick Adams
Founded date2000
Last updated2002
Primary URLangelfire.com/games2/stormcloudz6/


2002 Jan. 16Earliest copy of website.
2019 Aug. 06Current version of website

Notable Contributors

  • Derrick Adams