Zelda Legends





Zelda Legends was founded on February 1, 1999, by Ahmed El-Khuffash (a.k.a. Khuffie). It is one of the major Zelda communities of the early 2000s. Updates are infrequent today, but notable contributors are still active parts of the community.

The Legends of Zelda, which was founded by David Butler (a.k.a. davogones) merged into Zelda Legends merged in late 2003. The website design introduced following the merger is still in use today with only minor changes and new themes since then. The design is notable for having several different themes that users can choose between.

Zelda Legends was the community leader in providing resources for Zelda fan theorists, researchers, and archivists. It hosts the first comprehensive encyclopedia of Zelda terms. The encyclopedia is now outdated, but it predates Zelda Wiki and other similar projects.

Zelda Legends also facilitated the scanning, translation, and publication of many Japanese publications that were previously unavailable in English. These efforts notably provided canonical story details, including enemy names, to English-speaking Zelda fans for the first time.

Additional textual resources, including quote FAQS and full-game text dumps, are still frequently referenced by the community.

Zelda Legends was one of the first Zelda fan sites to host a large image gallery of official artwork. Game artwork was still mostly seen in printed media during the early 2000s. The combined efforts of the Zelda Legends community and History of Hyrule provided a large collection of official artwork to the community.

Zelda Legends serves as the host of two other notable early Zelda fansites: North Castle and BS Zelda.

Pages of Interest


These are notable historical copies of Zelda Legends hosted by Archive.org.

Notable Contributors

  • Ahmed El-Khuffash a.k.a. Khuffie (Founder)
  • David Butler a.k.a. davogones (Founder of The Legends of Zelda)
  • David Johnson a.k.a. The Missing Link
  • Ironknuckle
  • Johan
  • Martin Anderson a.k.a. martinDTanderson
  • Masamune
  • Matt K. a.k.a. Mak
  • Max Nichols a.k.a. lord-of-shadow
  • Melora
  • Zeldafreak84
  • Zethar-II


Last updated: January 10, 2022